July1948Separated from Showa Nosan Kako Co., Ltd. (currently Mercian Corporation) and started manufacture and sales of drugs related to penicillin (capital 8 million yen).
July1950Opened Fukuoka sales office.
May1951Acquired Chuo Sanshin Co., Ltd. Capital 9 million yen.
December1951Capital 20 million yen
September1953Opened Osaka sub-branch.
October1959Capital 50 million yen
September1962Opened Nagoya sales office.
January1963Capital 80 million yen
February1963Opened Aichi Research Institute for manufacture of resin teeth.
September1964Registered Osaka sub-branch as full-fledged branch.
January1965Capital 128 million yen
July1966Opened Sendai sales office.
June1967Sold Kamata plant and newly constructed Tamagawa plant
July1967Opened Hiroshima sales office
October1967Capital 147.2 million yen
January1970Annexed a plant (Aichi plant) for packaging drug products at Aichi Research Institute
March1970Completed construction of a distribution center warehouse in Sendai for the Tohoku region.
June1970Capital 320 million yen
October1973Augmented production equipment at Tamagawa plant and newly constructed a warehouse.
April1975Established Showa Shizai Kako Co., Ltd.
1976 - 1979Augmented equipment related to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and production equipment at Tamagawa plant.
May1979Completed construction of the administration wing and the second research wing at Tamagawa plant.
November1981Newly constructed Atsugi plant.
October1982Started cooperation with Showa Shinyaku Co., Ltd. in sales, development, and manufacture.
September1983Completed construction of a GLP (Good Laboratory Practice)-compliant research wing.
June1984Capital 493.48 million yen
January1985Opened Kagoshima sales office.
July1989Merged with Showa Shinyaku Co., Ltd. (SYK Seto Co., Ltd.). Capital 533.48 million yen
February1991Opened Sapporo sub-branch (it became the current Sapporo sale office in January 1993).
February1994Opened Shikoku sub-branch (it became Shikoku sales office in February 1995) and Kanagawa sub-branch (it merged with Tokyo branch in December 1997).
September1994Opened Aichi distribution center.
April1995Registered Tokyo sales office as Tokyo branch, Nagoya sales office as Nagoya branch, and Fukuoka sales office as Kyushu branch.
January1998Consolidated Kyushu branch and Kagoshima sales office, and moved Kyushu branch to the City of Kumamoto.
March1999Merged Shikoku sales office with Hiroshima sales office.
June2000Contract manufacture of antibiotics started at Seto plant.
August2000Adopted a "mobile office system", and opened a call center at the head office. Eliminated sales offices.
October2004Sold in vitro diagnostics business to Nissui Pharmaceutical, and closed Aichi plant for this reason.
December2004Calonal Co., Ltd. (100% invested by an investment fund operated and managed by JAFCO Co., Ltd.) acquired 10,300,220 shares (98%) of our stock by a takeover bid.
February2005Through stock exchange (subsidy), out company became a wholly owned subsidiary (100%) of Calonal Co., Ltd.
January2006Merged with the subsidiary Showa Shizai Co., Ltd., and separated Seto plant as a new company, SYK Seto Co., Ltd.
April2008With assistance by Investment Fund Tokyo Marine Capital Co., Ltd., AIG Japan Capital Investment Co., Ltd. (currently Pinebridge Japan Capital Investment Co., Ltd.), and Polaris Principal Finance Co., Ltd. (currently Polaris Capital Group Co., Ltd.), Marunouchi Holdings Co., Ltd. acquired the shares of Calonal Co., Ltd., making Calonal Co., Ltd. a 100% subsidiary (capital 8.151 billion yen)
July2008Marunouchi Holdings Co., Ltd. absorbed Calonal Co., Ltd., changed its name to Calonal Co., Ltd., and made Showa Yakuhin Kako Co., Ltd. and SYK Seto Co., Ltd. 100% subsidiaries.
December2008Calonal Co., Ltd. absorbed Showa Yakuhin Kako Co., Ltd. and SYK Seto Co., Ltd. The surviving company, Calonal Co., Ltd., changed its name to Showa Yakuhin Kako Co., Ltd (Capital 6.6485 billion yen).
March2011Capital 6.0485 billion yen
June2012A special purpose company, owned 100% by an investment fund for which Unison Capital Co., Ltd. acts as adviser, acquired 100% of our company stock.
May2013Capital 6.6 billion yen
December2015Capital 300 million yen
October2016GC Corporation acquired all of our company's common shares.
April2022Company name changed to "GC SHOWAYAKUHIN CORPORATION".